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Dr. Mike Guthrie is Executive-in-Residence at the University of Colorado- Denver campus in the School of Business, Program in Health Administration.   

He teaches and leads learning collaboratives on healthcare issues for health care executive teams, boards of trustees, and physician leader groups in organizations of various types.  He is well known as a thought leader regarding physician engagement and physician relationship strategy, including physician leadership education development.  He is also an executive coach, focused exclusively on supporting physician executive performance improvement.   
Mike has unique experience in the areas of physician leadership development, and helping physicians, hospitals and health systems work effectively together to improve quality, safety, and cost.  

Mike has been a practicing physician, a medical director, a health system chief operating officer, a health system CEO, and a senior executive for a large national healthcare alliance.

Previously, he was the CEO of the Good Samaritan Health System in San Jose, CA., and the COO for the Penrose-St. Francis Healthcare System in Colorado.  He was most recently a Senior Vice President for Premier, Inc.    

Dr. Guthrie graduated from Amherst College and received his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania.  He took his internship in medicine at Denver General Hospital and his residency in consultation psychiatry at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. He received his Masters in Business Administration from the School of Business at the University of Colorado.  He is board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and was in private practice prior to becoming a physician executive in 1979.  He is a past President of the American Academy of Medical Directors and past President of the American College of Physician Executives. 

Dr. Guthrie is a frequent speaker for health systems and national organizations on topics including physician leadership, physician organizations, team management, and healthcare marketing.  He has served on the editorial advisory board for several national healthcare journals and has published over 40 articles on healthcare management, and physician leadership topics.  He also serves on the advisory board for several companies that service the healthcare industry sector in information technology, business services, and customer support.




How can health care leaders and physicians help the technology innovators and the executives of technology firms understand the components necessary to assure physician acceptance and utilization of new (electronic) tools?

(1) Don’t underestimate the personal nature of a physician’s practice. It really isn’t a “business.”
(2) Most physicians are not Luddites; they are just extremely pragmatic and practical.
(3) For the majority of physicians to adopt a new technology in their private office practice, it must address three major issues: money, hassle, and patient care.

There are many obstacles to adopting the new technologies that are the result of physician training and expectations and the current models of payment and revenue generation. Some technological innovations are presented to physicians without sufficient respect for their knowledge of how medical practices really work. The benefits promised often don’t match with the needs structure of the physicians. As a consequence, the cycle of diffusion of these new systems is extended and delayed.

“Get Real – What will Bring Physicians to the Internet?” Physician Executive v.27 no.2, pg. 36, Mar-Apr., 2001.
Michael Guthrie, MD MBA

HFM (Healthcare Financial Management) June 2006


Physicians Learning the Business Side of Healthcare

Hospitalists are most familiar and comfortable with the language of clinical medicine and patient care. But, to be effective as a hospital-based physician, the hospitalist must also learn to speak the “language” of the hospital’s key business decision-makers, says Mike Guthrie, MD, MBA, a management and change consultant and executive-in-residence at the University of Colorado, School of Business, Program in Health Administration in Denver.

Physicians do not receive training in finance and economics during medical school, but to be effective and influential in their current and future roles, hospitalists must know what worries the CEO, asserts Guthrie. Hospitalists need to have a working business vocabulary so they can communicate the value of what they do—and how it fits in with the hospital’s overall goals—in terms that administrators can readily grasp.

“It’s easy to be dismissive of administrators as ignorant and unappreciative civilians,” who are more concerned with the bottom line than with patient care, Guthrie says. Not only is that attitude unfair and inaccurate, according to Guthrie, but it also will keep you from being influential in your organization.

“Hospitalists are expected to be effective in the hospital management space as well as in the clinical space,” he says. They are expected to be members and leaders of care teams and management teams, and to help the hospital achieve its objectives, he says.

Guthrie is a faculty member of the Society for Hospital Medicine’s ongoing Leadership Academy, which provides basic training to hospitalists in strategic planning, leading change, negotiation and conflict resolution, and other management functions. The Leadership Academy was developed to groom hospitalists to assume management roles in their organizations, says Guthrie. “Physicians often don’t have a good mental model for what the organization needs to do to survive.”
HCPro Hospitalist Magazine, 2006

Many of the issues confronting healthcare organizations require physician involvement and understanding, and the physician executive is a tool to achieving physician participation. Physician leaders can become the mediators between physicians and organizational management, minimizing miscommunication and maximizing agreement and understanding. Yet few doctors seem willing to stand up and speak positively for the plans and proposals that will move the institution forward, and healthcare executives are often frustrated by physician leadership that fails to articulate and implement the vision and objectives of the organization.

"Challenges in Developing Physician Leadership and Management" -- Frontiers of Health Services Management, 15:4 1999


Personal History 




CONTACT:                         Cell:                 (858) 945-8574

                                                Home:             (719) 633-3595

                                                Fax:                 (719) 630-7042

                                                Email:              MIKEG237@gmail.com

Website:          www.mikeguthriemd.com





                                    Forty years of varied clinical and management experience, in not-for-profit and for-profit settings, with special interest in the areas of:


¨   Physician leadership development

¨   Engaging physicians in performance improvement

¨   Change management especially working with hospitals and physicians to improve quality, safety, and cost

¨   Healthcare system management

¨   Group Practice governance

¨   Healthcare marketing and public relations

¨   Management of mergers and acquisitions

¨   Health services delivery in Managed Care environment

¨   Service Line excellence

¨   Medical staff communications 

¨   Supply Chain Management, related to physician preference products such as implants



2018-               Adjunct Associate Professor, 

Present           Tulane University, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine


2004-               Executive in Residence and Adjunct Professor


present            University of Colorado – Denver Campus
School of Business, Program in Health Administration



                        Primary responsibility: Business of Medicine course for residents in Hospital Medicine (see bibliography) and various invited guest lectures.


2004-               Executive Coach and Education Consultant:

present            Performance Improvement, Physician Engagement, Physician Leadership Development, Governance of Medical Groups


2004-               Facilitator for learning collaboratives and faculty for

present            seminars for physician leaders sponsored by various national and local organizations.  


1996-2004       Premier, Inc. And Related Companies, San Diego, CA


One of the nation’s largest alliances of not-for-profit hospitals and health systems, focused on supply chain, contracting, and data services.  


Responsible for development and growth of physician services and practice management solutions, and selected other strategic initiatives as indicated below.  Private, for profit.


2003-2004       Group Vice President, Physician Preference Solutions, Group Purchasing Services


Responsible for development of Premier’s Physician Preference strategy for contracting and services.  Designed and led the implementation of Premier’s Better Performers Research focused on orthopedics and cardiology. Led the development within Premier of expertise and processes to involve physicians in total performance improvement.  


Collaborated with clinical teams from Premier to work with health systems to engage their physicians, nurses and administrators to improve outcomes and reduce costs through collaborative processes for improved quality, especially in clinical areas with high physician preference purchasing components.  


Team Leader for Supply Chain Solutions Team and faculty for the Breakthrough Series in Supply Chain Management, while guiding Premier through development of strategy for clinical preference value creation.  Worked extensively with the field force to respond to many special problems related to physician engagement in performance improvement.  


2000-2003       Senior Vice President, Physician Relations, Premier, Inc.


Leader for strategy development and implementation of physician engagement programs for quality, cost management, and patient safety.   Worked extensively with Chief Medical Officers of larger health systems and hospitals.


1996-2000       Executive Vice President, Premier Practice Management, Inc. and, Executive Vice President, Premier, Inc.  


Physician Group Practice Management: Responsible for development in for-profit startup subsidiary with growth from three locations to thirteen, in 3 ½ years with greater than 1300 physicians and more than $40M in annual management revenues.  Also responsible for development of initial Internet strategy for Premier.  Team member responsible for choice of partners and implementation of electronic, eHealth solutions in physician practices.  



1992-1996       Good Samaritan Health System, San Jose, CA
President and Chief Executive Officer



                        A diversified health services company and integrated delivery system with 1995 total net revenues of $350 Million.  Responsible for 4300 employees, 4 Hospitals (1132 beds), as well as a Medical Foundation (45 physician member medical group practice and 350 physician IPA), a Home Health services company (The Visiting Nurse Association), and a small venture capital investment company. Private, not for profit, sponsorship. 


Responsible for initial turnaround bankruptcy workout and subsequent sale to Columbia/HCA, with all the attendant regulatory reviews and approvals.


                        Recruited to reconfigure this failed hospital system merger in late 1992.  Reorganized governance, reduced and consolidated management, consolidated support operations, organized enterprise wide information systems plan, renegotiated debt structure, initiated patient-focused re-engineering, and renegotiated medical group, IPA, and other physician contracts for medical foundation functions with approximately 100,000 covered lives.


                        Organized and led board and medical staff through a process of strategic re-evaluation which resulted in choice of a partner for sale.  Negotiated the sale to Columbia/HCA and then organized the closing, including California and Federal regulatory review and due diligence, that led to successful close of sale on January 1, 1996.  Established community not-for-profit foundation with the proceeds in excess of $96M.


                        While leading recovery efforts, also pursued community service activities resulting in a Foster McGaw Finalist Award in 1995, and recognition of Good Samaritan Hospital as one of the “One Hundred Best Run Hospitals,” HCIA/Mercer, 1995.



1991-1992:     The Penrose-St. Francis Healthcare System, 
Colorado Springs, CO


Chief Operating Officer


A 640 bed integrated health-care company with total net revenues in 1992 of $150 million.  Responsible for 3500 employees and 3 Hospitals.  Catholic, non-teaching, not for profit, sponsorship.


Responsible for all operating functions, clinical and financial performance.  Supervised successful system operating performance of 8% net income on net revenues of approximately $400 M in 1992.


1991-1992:     Simultaneously with above responsibilities:

                        Interstate Health Services, 

Chief Operating Officer, and President,

Health Care Providers, Inc., 


(both for-profit subsidiaries of The Penrose-St. Francis Healthcare System).  


Expanded market for and improved operating performance of Occupational Medicine, Employee Assistance Program, Center for Health & Nutrition, Urgent Care Clinics, and rural primary care clinic.


1987-1991:     The Penrose-St. Francis Healthcare System

Vice President, Business Development


Asked to lead Planning and Transition Team, responsible for design of the successful merger of three hospitals, including master plan for consolidation of all departments, creating plan for integration of information systems, and merger of two medical staffs.  Instituted business planning and budgeting system for a service line structure of the new system.  Managed all business planning, public and employee communication, and extensive marketing activities.


1983-1987:     Penrose Health System 

Vice President for Medical Affairs and Medical Director


In addition to Medical Director functions, managed Penrose Cancer Center, Information Systems Department, and Medical Records Department.  Supervised various clinical support departments, such as Cardiology, for brief periods.


Developed and implemented preferred provider organization with more than 400 physicians. Subsequently sold this to Principal Health Care.


1979-1983:     Penrose Hospitals 

Director of Medical Affairs


First Director of Medical Affairs for this two hospital system.  Created medical staff leadership development program, continuing medical education, and medical affairs departments.  Developed credentialing, quality improvement, and peer review functions.  Developed medical staff communications.


1977-1979:     Colorado State Hospital, Pueblo, CO

Director of Professional Education

Faculty liaison with the University of Colorado, Health Sciences Center, Department of Psychiatry




1985:               MBA

                        University of Colorado

                        Graduate School of Business

                        Colorado Springs, CO Major: Marketing         Minor: Finance


1972:               MD

                        University of Pennsylvania

                        School of Medicine

                        Philadelphia, PA


1968:               BA

                        Amherst College

                        Amherst, MA               Major: Chemistry        Minor: English




1973-1976:     Resident, Department of Psychiatry

                        Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and The

                        Philadelphia General Hospital, Philadelphia, PA

                        Specialty: Consultation Psychiatry and Neurology


1972-1973:     Intern in Psychiatry and Medicine

                        Denver General Hospital, Denver, CO




1975:               Colorado, Medicine #19829 Inactive


1973:               Pennsylvania, MD #014614 Inactive




2006:               Certified Facilitator: Strengths Deployment Inventory (SDI)


1977:               Board Certified

                        Diplomate, The American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology


1973:               Diplomate, The National Board of Medical Examiners




2005-               Executive in Residence, Facilitator, Faculty,


Present           Conference Design and Seminar Leader;
GE Fellowship Program (for Emerging Physician Leaders);


                        & Physician Leadership Development Seminars

                        The Healthcare Management Academy, Rosslyn, VA


2015- 2017     Advisory Board, Nucleus Health

                        San Diego, CA


2013-2015:     Advisory Board, Frost Data Capital

                        San Juan Capistrano, CA


2010-   2013    Advisory Board, Alter+Care, Inc.

                        Chicago, IL


2009-   2012    Advisory Board, PerfectServe, Inc.

                        Knoxville, TN


2006-2009       Board of Directors, IntelliDot Corporation

                        San Diego, CA


2006-2011       Advisory Board, Beryl Companies

                        Bedford, TX


2006-2015       Advisory Board, Precyse Solutions, Inc.

                        Wayne, PA


2004-2015       Physician Advisor; Program Design; Faculty

                        Sg2, The Healthcare Intelligence Company, Chicago, IL (now Vizient, Inc.)

                        Facilitator, Physicians in Leadership Learning Collaborative


2003-               Advisor and Faculty; The Leadership Institute

Present           Society for Hospital Medicine

                        Philadelphia, PA


2002-2004:     Editorial Advisory Board:

                        Modern Physician



1999              Judge -- Physician Executive Award of Excellence
Modern Physician



1994-2004:     Editorial Advisory Board:

                        “Physician Practice Options” -- Newsletter, 

                        Premier Healthcare Resource, Inc., Chatham, NJ



1994-1996:     Advisory Board Member, Faculty Member
The Governance Institute


                        San Diego, CA



1992-1994:     Advisory Board Member, 
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations


                        Chicago, IL


1990-1991:     Judge -- Selection Committee for "Commitment to Quality Award"

                        The Healthcare Forum/Witt sponsorship



1990-1992:     Business Advisory Board Member,
                        College of Business, University of Colorado --Colorado                                                       Springs



1989-1995:     Editorial Advisory Board:

                        Journal of Healthcare Marketing, American Marketing Association, Chicago, IL


1987-   2010    Reviewer:

                        Physician Executive, The Journal of Medical Management, American College of Physician Executives, Tampa, FL. (now PLJ, American Association of Physician Leadership)


1987-2000       Reviewer:

            Journal of Healthcare Marketing, American Marketing Association, Chicago, IL



1982-1984:     Administrative Consultant: 
Preferred Health Care, Inc.,


                        Preferred Provider Organization joint venture created by private practice physicians and Penrose Hospitals, Colorado Springs, CO



1980-1985:     Medical Technical Advisor: 
"Kids Corner, LTD.", 
A national producer of Patient Education Films for children.



1989- 2000:    Volunteer:

                        Habitat for Humanity International

                        Building homes for disadvantaged people in Colorado, Florida, South Dakota, and Mexico. 


1992-1996:     Trustee:

                        The Fountain Valley School, Colorado Springs, CO

                        Independent, college preparatory school


2000-               Executive Producer

present            Eats Lunch Productions (documentary films)




1984-              The Health Management Academy

Present:          Premier, Inc.               

                        SG2 – Healthcare Intelligence Company

                        The Governance Institute

                        The Society for Hospital Medicine


American College of Physician Executives,
            Physician-in-Management Programs,


The American Medical Association

                        The American Society for Internal Medicine

The Healthcare Forum, Executive Education Series

University of Denver, Health Care Organization & Systems

                        The Western Network for Education in Health Administration,         

                        Institute for Healthcare Executives

The Medical Group Management Association

The American College of Healthcare Executives

The American College of Physicians

The Society for OB/GYN Hospitalists


Multiple Hospitals and Health Systems (please see website for list of clients, past and present)





2000:               Dean Conley Award

                        American College of Healthcare Executives


                        Recognition for contribution to healthcare management literature
ACHE Article of the Year



1988:               Fellow, American College of Physician Executives


1980:               Fellow, College of Physicians of Philadelphia


1990:               Physician Marketer of the Year


                        American Hospital Association
Society for Healthcare Planning and Marketing




1989:               Distinguished Alumnus, College of Business
University of Colorado -- Colorado Springs



1985:               Outstanding Marketing Graduate, College of Business

                        University of Colorado -- Colorado Springs




1998-                      The Healthcare Management Academy

Present:          -- Member

                        -- Faculty; Executive-in-Residence, Advisor

                        -- Mentor; GE Fellowship


1996-               Battelle Corporation,

1998:              -- Health Products Advisory Board member


1994-               Healthcare Research and Development Institute, Inc.,

2000                -- Member


1996-               HealthDesk Corporation,

1998                -- Clinical Advisory Board member


1994-               Integrated Healthcare Association, Founding Member

1996:               -- Board member, 1994-1996


1993-1996:     VHA-Pacific

                        -- Board member, 1992-1996

                        -- Vice Chairman, 1994-1995

                        -- Chairman, 1995-96


1991-1996:     The Healthcare Forum

                        -- Board of Directors, 1991

                        -- Treasurer, 1995-1996


1982-               American College of Physician Executives, Member

Present:          -- President, 1989

                        -- Board of Directors, 1989

                        -- Faculty, 2004- present


1978-88:          American Academy of Medical Directors, Member

                        -- President, 1988

                        -- Vice President and President Elect, 1987-88

                        -- Secretary-Treasurer, 1986-87

                        -- Board of Directors, 1984-88


1989-1991:     American Board of Medical Management


-- Member, Examination Work Group, 
    General Management & Marketing area



1985-1993:     American Marketing Association, Member

                        -- Academy for Health Services Marketing




1983-               Roles and Responsibilities of Physician Executives.

Present:          Education, experience, setting, roles, authority, and responsibility held by physician managers and physician leaders.  (See Bibliography.)


1979-               The Dynamics of Medical Staff/Hospital Relations and


Present:          Physician Organizations, 
                        Physician-Hospital Integration, Physician Alignment



Interest focuses on medical staff development, effective models for physician enterprises, and the management of conflict between organizations and physicians.  (See Bibliography.)


1996-               Medical Group Governance


                        Roles and Responsibilities of effective Medical Group Directors


1985-               Healthcare Marketing and Strategy


                        Applications of Marketing and Strategy in Healthcare 

                        organizations, including physician organizations.  (See Bibliography.)


1981-1988:     Professional Motivation and Work Design.


Developed Health Professional Motivation Inventory, with colleagues, to assess and measure the motivating potential of work performed by health-care professionals compared to their growth needs strength.  Work focused primarily on nurses.  (See Bibliography.)



CURRENT ADDRESS:      20 W. Del Norte St.

Colorado Springs, CO 80907



PERSONAL:                       Married, two adult children


Updated 10/01/19